School Academic Session
The school academic session is from April to March.
Weekly Scheduleand Daily Routine
The School's Scholastic & Co-scholastic activities are scheduled for five-days- a-week, Monday to Friday for classes L.K.G. to X. However, club activities, co-curricular training and relevant co-scholastic activities will be conducted on Saturdays for classes L.K.G. to X.
The daily routine is designed to cultivate good habits among the students, to develop in them the capacity for self education, to progressively build their mental and physical capabilities and to provide them with recreational activities. Each working day - Monday to Friday consists of two sessions - Morning (Forenoon) Session and Afternoon Session. Each session will have an interval of 10 minutes. LKG Classes are conducted only for one session i.e. Morning Session and they will be working between 9.00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m.
Session | ||
Morning Session | Lunch Break | Afternoon Session |
9.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m | 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. | 1.00 p.m. to 3.20 p.m. (UKG to IV) 1.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. (V to X) |
Students should be in their respective classrooms well before 9.10 a.m. Late- comers should surrender their hand-book to the student volunteers at the main gate. If late beyond 9.10 a.m., they should either be accompanied by their parents or should bring a letter of explanation from their parents.
Time Schedule | ||||||||
9.00 a.m. | 9.10 | 9.10 - 9.20 | 9.20 - 9.35 | 9.35 - 10.20 | 10.20 - 11.00 | 11.00 - 11.10 | 11.10 - 11.50 | 11.50 - 12.30 |
Commencement of Morning Session. All the students are expected to be in their respective classes by 9.00 a.m. | First Bell | Class Teacher’s Period | Assembly | 1st Period | 2nd Period | Break | 3rd Period | 4th Period (Dispersal for LKG) |
12.30 - 1.00 | 1.00 - 1.10 | 1.10 - 1.50 | 1.50 - 2.30 | 2.30 - 2.40 | 2.40 - 3.20 | 3.20 - 4.00 | 4.00 | |
Lunch | Class Teacher’s Period | 5th Period | 6th Period | Break | 7th Period (Dispersal for UKG-IV) | 8th Period | Dispersal |
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of each session. Those who are not present at the roll call will be marked absent for that session. Students who report late will be permitted to attend class only with a written permission slip from the Principal.
Students representing school and participating in external competitions, cultural programmes, sports and games, attending seminars, camps or educational tours will be given full attendance. The classes the students missed will be compensated. However no special/extra classes will be organised by the school for the students who are absent for their own reasons.
Availing of Leave
Prior permission should be sought from the Principal for leave of absence for more than three days. Leave availed without prior intimation for more than 3 days will be intimated to the parents through an "Absence Intimation Card".
In case of continuous absence for ten days without information, the absentee’s name shall be struck off the roll. If re-admitted he / she has to pay the re-admission fee.
❖ 75% of attendance is compulsory for promotion to the next class.
A student availing leave due to unavoidable circumstances should produce a leave letter on the day he/she attends school after having availed leave.
Leave application / letter of absence should be submitted in the prescribed pupils' leave application form. It should be duly signed by the PARENT/GUARDIAN giving the following particulars as called for, in the application.
❖ Name of the pupil
❖ Class and section
❖ Days and dates of leave / absence
❖ Total number of days leave availed / absent
❖ Date of application
❖ Signature of the parent/guardian.
Medical Leave on the reasons of sickness, fatigue, ill health, hurt to the extent of inability to move are only permissible. Availing of leave of absence for the following reasons has to be avoided.
❖ Family marriages (except their close relatives).
❖ Accompanying parents on tour.
❖ Simple religious ceremonies other than Diwali, Ramzan, Pongal, Dussehra, Christmas and Easter.
❖ Preparing for school examination and other competitive examination.
❖ Attending to parents' occupation / business.
❖ Entertaining relatives / visitors at home.
Early Departure from School
Permission to leave early from school should be sanctioned only by the Principal. Permission can be granted only under the following conditions
❖On receiving requisition letter from parents.
❖When found sick or hurt. Oral request will not be accepted.
Principal – Parent Contact
- 1. The Parent / Guardian who wishes to contact the Principal regarding his / her ward is requested to call on the Principal at the school office only on the days and timings allotted for the Principal's interview with parents.
- However, if parents have any inconveniences in meeting the Principal on the days and the timings specified, they may meet the office staff on any working day between 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Request to meet the Principal may be made either in the form of letter or oral intimation. The same will be looked into, in the order of priority.
- Parents are strictly asked not to contact the Correspondent/Principal either in person or over phone at their residence.

Monday to Saturday
10.30 a.m to 11.30 a.m
(with prior appointment only).
Staff – Parent Contact
- A smooth and cordial parent-staff relationship is an essential pre- requisite for a student's progress. Parents desirous of meeting the class teacher and subject teachers are requested to meet them in school between 9.00 a.m. and 12 noon during the Parent-Staff Contact Session held after FA1, FA2, SA1, FA3 & FA4. Dates of Parent-Staff Meeting will be intimated to the parents.
- The teachers can be met department wise. Only the Parents / Guardians of the students are permitted to contact the members of staff during the contact session.
- Parent will not be permitted to meet the class teacher / subject teachers during the school's working hours, i.e. 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (inclusive of lunch break) as the teachers will be preoccupied with their class preparation and correction work.
Purchase of Textbooks and Notebooks
The prescribed textbooks and notebooks for classes LKG to X should be purchased from the school. Notebooks bearing the school emblem and name should only be used.
All the textbooks and notebooks prescribed for the various classes will be sold only as a complete set (books and notebooks) and not as notebooks or textbooks alone. In case extra books or note book wrappers are required, the same can be purchased from the school office. All payments should be in cash.
Maintenance and Correction
The school insists on using fountain pen/ microtip pen and not ball-point pen. Students are expected to use ink pen only from class IV onwards
❖ Only royal blue or blue-black ink is permissible (Black ink is not permitted).
Students should possess the prescribed TEXT BOOKS and NOTEBOOKS of their own. Lending / borrowing will not be allowed.
The textbooks and notebooks should be maintained properly and the same should be brought to class for the concerned periods. Students without the same will not be permitted to attend the classes. The class work and homework should be completed then and there. The same should be got corrected by the teachers concerned.
Policy on Home Work
At all class levels, homework for students will be an integral part of the curriculum and planned by the teacher to closely correlate with the classroom curriculum development. Parents should feel that they are a part of the home study development programs that are initiated and planned by the teacher.
One basic goal for any home work program is to develop at an early age the importance of good study habits so that assignments can be accomplished independently and not directly under teacher or adult guidance. The development of student responsibility,initiative and motivation are additional objectives in a well-designed home study programme.
CBSE has suggested alternatives to homework in order to reduce the burden of homework for children of the Primary School. Keeping in line with this, children will have interesting and exciting assignments that develop various learning skills. Referring to books, interpreting data, observing nature, involving in dialogues, recording touring experiences, story telling, group project activities, power point presentation, visiting banks, post office, etc. are a few such activities.
Homework assignment should not be considered as merely routine work with no purpose or objective. Parents should maintain close co-ordination with teachers on homework assignments. If the parent believes that a student is merely copying answers from other students or receiving excessive home work, this matter should be brought to the attention of the principal.
Each student will be given a handbook in the beginning of the academic year. The name of the student, father's name, address, contact telephone number, e-mail id, date of birth and the House allotted should be filled in by the parent.
The Test/Term portion in each subject as well as the Test and Examination Time-Table should be written down neatly by the student in the Handbook duly attested by the class teacher / subject teacher. The daily home work should also be noted down by the student in the handbook.
Identity Card
An individual identification card with the student’s photo affixed and laminated on both sides will be issued to each student at the start of the academic year. This should be brought to school daily.